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COUNTERPOINT RECOVERY is first of its kind. An Intensive Outpatient Program designed by men, for men, to achieve effective and lasting sobriety.


Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Services

We believe treatment is an opportunity. To heal and learn. To thrive and become an asset. Anyone can recover if they can be unrelenting in its pursuit.  What makes our approach unique isn’t magical. It’s simple, time-tested and objectively achievable if an individual is willing to work for it, as we have ourselves. Your journey toward true sobriety – soundness of one’s mind, body and spirit – can begin at Counterpoint.


What is Counterpoint?

A specialized IOP (Intensive Outpatient) treatment program where an individual can receive significant structure, without in-patient or residential care requirements. Our curriculum is the perfect blend of Clinical Treatment and Twelve Step Foundations. The level of thoughtful intention that went into developing it allows us to guarantee that everyone who completes it will have received comprehensive therapeutic care and thorough education in all Twelve Steps.


How can IOP work for me?

One caveat of in-patient care (eg. hospitalization, “Rehab”) is that it intentionally removes stressors and external pressure from an individuals daily life. While very effective for harm reduction, and momentarily refreshing, it is profoundly ineffective at ensuring comprehensive recovery. Our approach at Counterpoint is a targeted way for participants to learn new life skills and implement them into their life in real time through Masters-Level Psychotherapy, Counseling and Life Coaching. 


Who is eligible?

Men, aged 18 years or older, who:

  1. Have successfully discharged from a higher level of care (eg. hospitalization programs and/or residential treatment) 
  2. Are living with Acute Substance Use Disorder but DO NOT REQUIRE medical assisted detoxification. (Pending review by our medical team)

How Counterpoint Recovery Began…

Counterpoint is the product of a fated friendship that began when two different roads of recovery intersected. Conner and Jackson met when Jackson was contracted by Conner’s family to help him get sober. Jackson, who at the time had nearly a decade sober himself, worked with Conner 1:1 for nearly a year.

Fortunately, Conner’s story is one of success and relief. To this day, the pair are still sober, still friends, and have formed Counterpoint Recovery together. Working alongside now, they hope to help guide other people in achieving their own version of a happy, peaceful and purposeful life.

Speak with Us About Admission Now

We can verify your benefits instantly.


a) a complementing or contrasting idea; b) to set off or emphasize by juxtaposition, set in contrast; c) the art or technique of setting, writing or playing a melody or melodies in conjunction with another, according to fixed rules; d) an argument, idea or theme used to create contrast with the main element.

Counterpoint Recovery, LLC

1740 Grassland Parkway
Suite 201 Alpharetta,
GA 30004

Phone: +1 (888) 250-6331

Counterpoint Recovery, LLC is a fully licensed DATEP (Drug Abuse Treatment Education Program) located in Alpharetta, Georgia, operating Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP) & Intensive outpatient Programs (IOP) focused on treating Acute Substance Use Disorder.

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